
Night is changing into day. City lights are switching off. Long,
empty streets. I walk and my infinitude is cutting me in half.
I lay down at the foot of the sky-scraper. I wish someone were here.
The tenants are coming out still dreamy, smelling like coffee.
When they se me lying, my legs spread and my eyes full of lon-
ing, they halt with wide open eyes. The coldness of concrete
freezes my bones. Maybe all is in vain. An elderly man approa-
ches, a bag in his hand, and diffidently asks: would you come
to my place. I say no, let’s do it here, so i can watch the rows
of bells and the lists tenants while you penetrate me. He lea-
ves; the coldness and humidity of the early morning give me
shudders. I pick up my rags. Nobody else comes out. My desire
for utter pain is crazy. Is it…


Noc prelazi u dan, Gradska svjetla Se gase. Duga, prazna ulica,
Hodam, i moja me beskonacnost presjeca napola. U dnu nebodera
legnem. Zelim nekog. Stanari izlaze, jos sneni sa mirisom kave.
Kada ugledaju mene, lezecu, sa rasirenim nogama i ocima punima
ceznje, zastanu, razgorace oci. Hladnoca betona mi ledi krsta.
Mozda je sve uzalud. Pride mi straiji covjek sa kesicom u ruci i
bojazljivo veli: hocete li k meni. Kazem: ne ntjele bih vas
ovdje da mogu gledati redove zvonaca i spisak stanara dok ulazi-
te u mene. Ode. Hladnoca i vlaga ranog jutra me tresu. Pokupim
svoje prnje. Vise nitko ne izlazi. Moja zelja za krajn jim bolom
je luda. Da li…

Borghesia discography